Tuesday, 6 September 2011

What's Your Favorite Spiritual/Metaphysical Book?

Seems everyone I have met this summer is on their spiritual journey; from the Vietnamese Buddhist I met in Windsor, to the Catholic from Osaka, everyone is searching.  We are all searching.  Today on Tuning in with Betsy, my topic is What Is Your Favorite Metaphysical Book?

I have my own personal favorites.  I will share some of them with you today but more importantly are the books that matter to you and made a difference in your life.

Were you at a crossroads and just 'accidentally' found the perfect book with your perfect answer that brought you safely through your crisis?  Was it a financial crisis?  Or a love crisis?  Or career crisis?

I'll be listening today to hear your wonderful stories.  Everyone has a story.  Most people have pounds of stories but nowhere to share them.  Tuning in with Betsy is the place to share because we care.

Call in at 4:30 today edt, 646-915-9574.

Chat soon!

Betsy Balega

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