Friday, 12 August 2011

Being Mystic Book Signing Aug.13 Chapters Guelph

I look forward to signing copies of my first book, Being Mystic in Touch with God, tomorrow,  Saturday, August 13 at the Chaptes bookstore at the Old Stone Mall, 435 Old Stone Rd. West in Guelph, Ontario, from 12 noon - 6 pm.

Being Mystic is the book for you if you are trying to learn to meditate, relax, and detach from the hi tech world that surrounds us.  Besides this tecky track that the world seems to be spinning on, there is a much calmer, peaceful, mystical world surrounding us.  We have access to it every day (and night too).  All we need is to let go of the tv remote, smart phones, iPads, notebooks and anything else that seems attached at your right hand.  Or, if your a south paw, your left hand.

I challenge you to detach for one day a week to go sit in a park, take a trip outside of the city, to a nature preserve, or enjoy a visit to your local planetarium.  If you don't have a planetarium, lucky you, go outside and look up.  Your saving grace is at hand.  It's the unseen world surrounding you and me, filled with so many cosmic mysteries that are a treasure from God Himself.  (or Herself, if you're a radical feminist).

So until tomorrow, relax, let go of that gizmo and take time to breathe.  Focus on your breathing and enjoy a sense of inner calm.

Be blessed.

Betsy Balegq

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