Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Tuning in with Betsy End Time Prophecies and Wonders

Today's show can be heard at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/betsy/2015/08/04/tuning-in-with-betsy

Topics today are Angels and Demons, the Book of Enoch, things that make us say hmmmmm, such as China cornering the market on commodities, $1.5B will be made available for home owners to renovate if Harper is re-elected,  another dr., his one from Pittsburgh, Pa. brag' on The Today Show, about her big kills.

If you want to learn and hear more about the Mark of the Beast, from the Book of Revelation, do check out this YouTube video with Perry Stone.


It will make you think about what is written in the Book of Revelation, "a mark will be on the forehead" or on the "back of the right hand."  Exactly what Obamacare has in store.

Don't accept it.  Accept Jesus.