Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Tuning in with Betsy End Time Prophecies and Wonders

Today's show can be heard at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/betsy/2015/08/04/tuning-in-with-betsy

Topics today are Angels and Demons, the Book of Enoch, things that make us say hmmmmm, such as China cornering the market on commodities, $1.5B will be made available for home owners to renovate if Harper is re-elected,  another dr., his one from Pittsburgh, Pa. brag' on The Today Show, about her big kills.

If you want to learn and hear more about the Mark of the Beast, from the Book of Revelation, do check out this YouTube video with Perry Stone.


It will make you think about what is written in the Book of Revelation, "a mark will be on the forehead" or on the "back of the right hand."  Exactly what Obamacare has in store.

Don't accept it.  Accept Jesus.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

End Times September 2015 - 2020

Are you prepping for September 23 - 28, 2015?  Why should you be?  Well, where in the world have you been?  Haven't you heard Rabbi Jonathan Cahn speak on the Shemitah?  Haven't you heard Neill Russell speak about Newton's Riddle?  He spoke on my podcast, Tuning in with Betsy, July 13th and it is always free to check out. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/betsy.

Or, perhaps you didn't know that the greatest mathematician of all time loved Bible scriptures more than numbers?  Yes, that's right, Sir Isaac Newton spent his later years studying the Book of Daniel and linking the Return of Jesus Christ to the year 2020.  No one, no man, angel, not even Jesus knows the day and time of His Return.  Only the Father in Heaven knows.

So, why are so many Americans and Christians world wide preparing for a special event this September of 2015?

Because God is using His Sky as a Bulletin Board.  Forget Times Square, digital scoreboards, roadside boards made of lumber, paste and nails.  God doesn't need those manmade signboards.  He stated in Genesis that He would speak to us, His children, with signs and wonders.  And the last few years, signs and wonders have been accelerating at an amazing rate.

The Blood Moons, the Tedrad, has become a meme.  NASA has been scanning the sky for asteroids.  Can they confirm or deny one is headed our way September 24, 2015?  The day after Pope Francis visits Philadelphia and heads to Washington, DC and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What about Rev. Efrain Rodriquez of Puerto Rico, who proclaims God gave him a vision of an asteroid hitting a little west of Puerto Rico this September.  Here are 6 occurrences to keep track of.
The asteroid, a 12 point earthquake at night when God and only God will be in charge of the world, a shockwave that we will experience as a strong wind, a tsunami that may leave 40 million residents dead, pestilence and 3 Days of Darkness.  The late Padre Pio, now St. Pio, spoke of how Jesus showed him the 3 Days of Darkness.  Stay inside, do not go near any windows, have spiritual books to read.  You will be reading by candle light because the grid is going.  Blessed candles will burn if lit by a person in the state of Grace, or an innocent child.  All hell will be let loose that night when demons will roam and prowl the earth.  Best to pray without ceasing as Jesus advised 2000 years ago.

Is this the Tribulation?  No, it is not.  It is the preamble to the Tribulation.  This is the Chastisement.  Believers, true believes will be protected by God's angels.  See Psalm 91 for verification of my claim. 

Will this cancel out the 2016 Presidential election?  Possibly.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Will their be food shortages?  Absolutely.  Stock up now. You've got 10 weeks left.  Better to be a few weeks early than 1 minute late.

On a personal note, I had a dream maybe 2 months ago.  In my dream I was lying on my living room floor with severe vertigo.  I hate vertigo.  I have experienced it 4 times in my life.  It is scary, frightening and I never ever want to experience it again.  I was experiencing it because it was the beginning of the 3 Days of Darkness.  Vertigo is when the room spins an not because you had too much Merlot the night before.  In my dream the spinning stopped but I was still on the floor unable to move due to the intensity of events going on outside.  I knew God was giving me one of His celestial heads up.

God is Good and faithful, merciful and compassionate.  He showed me it is time to prepare.  I take Him at His Word and His dreams.  They are a gift.  If you receive any similar dreams, do not think you are crazy.  God is speaking to you to guide you through hell on earth.  Listen.  Be still and know He is in charge.  He loves and will guide, guard and protect you.  Get ready.  Time is short.

As in the days of Noah when people were eating, drinking, making merry, marrying and being carefree so shall it be when the Son of Man returns.  You will live to see it.  Sooner than you might think.  Amen.